Jumat, 01 Maret 2019

Ebook Free The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything

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The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything

The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything

The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything

Ebook Free The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything

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The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything


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Audible Hörbuch

Spieldauer: 12 Stunden und 13 Minuten

Format: Hörbuch-Download

Version: Ungekürzte Ausgabe

Verlag: Simon & Schuster Audio

Audible.de Erscheinungsdatum: 28. Dezember 2008

Sprache: Englisch, Englisch


Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 21.232 in Audible Hörbücher & Originals (Siehe Top 100 in Audible Hörbücher & Originals)

Vertrauen, das wichtigste Element in Zusammenarbeit.....jeder Führungskraft sollte dieses Buch gelesen und umgesetzt haben. Die Schnelligkeit Entscheidungen zu treffen, Veränderungen vorzunehmen und wirklicher Teamwork aufzubauen wird enorm gesteigert. Klare Empfehlung.

Gutes Buch in leicht verständlichem Englisch. Die deutsche Übersetzung ist unterirdisch und deswegen würde ich dringend dazu raten, dass das Buch in Englisch bestellt wird.

Klares sehr schön geschriebenes Buch, geeignet für Führungskräfte mit Erfahrung, gibt gute Hinweise für handeln und nicht handeln., beinhaltet Self Test

Das Buch zeigt die Bedeutung von Vertrauen im privaten wie geschäftlichen Leben und analysiert, welche Faktoren Vertrauen aufbauen oder zerstören. Weiterhin wird detailliert erklärt, wie man Vertrauen schaffen und sein Verhalten ändern kann. Locker zu lesen und gewürzt mit schönen Zitaten.

Ein Buch, das zum Nachdenken anregt. "Pay it forward", so könnte man es zusammenfassen. Wenn man weiss aus welcher Ecke Covey kommt, aus Utah wo die Mormonen zuhause sind und auch mehrere von dort und deren ethische Grundeinstellung kennt und schätzen gelernt hat, um so mehr zu empfehlen.

Nearfine ist sehr sehr professionel. Ich habe das Buch spät gekriegt aber sie haben für mich das Geld zurück überwiesen.

If I had to pick one book that Covey wrote, it would be this one. Trust is central to relationships, and this book outlines in an accessible and to the point way the ways in which we gain and reduced trust in our relationships. If we assume that leadership is relationships (as do Kouzes & Posner in "The Leadership Challenge" and "Credibility"), then leaders must learn how to build and restore and keep trust in their relationships. A must read for anyone in leadership roles at home or at work.I especially liked his chapters on building trust by talking straight, clarifying expectations, and confronting reality as all of these require courage and are difficult for me. However, in high trust relationships, people know each other's expectations and acknowledge the reality of their discourse because they have made the effort to communicate to each other. Case in point, I admire my wife for keeping communication open with even difficult people by being willing to continue interacting with them. As he says, when you close yourself off to the relationship and stop doing things with someone, then the relationship deteriorates even further. So I'm reminded to focus on the opportunity (rather than framing it as an adversity) to rebuild trust where trust has been breached. In fact, this encouraged me to realize that breached trust can actually lead to a restored and stronger bond than was before. So take heart in your effort to build trust, and read this book!

Trust can make things easier, and distrust can definitely make things much harder. You already know that. But do you know how to check out where you need to change in order to create more beneficial trust? The Speed of Trust can help those who need a template for such self-examination.Mr. Stephen M. R. Covey is the son of Dr. Stephen R. Covey of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People fame. If you've read that famous book, you may remember young Stephen referred to by his father as the seven-year-old son who was asked to keep the yard "clean and green" and did neither at first. Dr. Covey writes the foreword for this book and refers to that example. Ms. Rebecca Merrill helped with the writing of Dr. Stephen R. Covey's book First Things First which was coauthored by Roger Merrill.Trust is expressed by a paradigm that includes five waves of trust (self trust based on the principle of credibility, relationship trust based on the principle of proper behavior, organizational trust based on the principle of alignment, market trust based on the principle of reputation, and societal trust based on the principle of contribution). Most of the book is taken up with examining those five waves and their underlying principles. The core of the book comes, however, in the 13 behaviors that establish trust (talk straight, demonstrate respect, create transparency, right wrongs, show loyalty, get better, confront reality, clarify expectations, practice accountability, listen first, keep commitments, and extend trust). Each section of the book comes with ways to check on your performance and to create plans for improvement.This book is by far the best development of the subject of creating and restoring trust that I have read. That makes the book an essential reference. I congratulate and appreciate the authors for tackling this important subject.I would be remiss, however, in being a trustworthy reviewer if I didn't point out some weaknesses in the approach:1. Some of the examples of trust and mistrust drawn from Mr. Covey's experiences aren't terribly satisfying to read. Perhaps the most jarring example is one of the early ones in the book that describes the distrust that the Franklin Quest people felt toward him after the company merged with Covey Leadership Center. Mr. Covey comes across as unbelievably naive for not having taken into account how the two cultures should mesh (if at all) in engineering the merger. That's a more fundamental lesson than the lack of trust point. In addition, he doesn't seem to realize that merely being the son of the company's founder would make many people who didn't know him skeptical of his qualifications and his talent. Having read about how naive Mr. Covey was in this situation undercut my confidence in his ability to address the subject of trust. But I did appreciate his willingness to share such a painful experience in his book.2. Most of the examples that are cited that do not involve Mr. Covey's direct experience are very overused. They same examples have been used to prove excellence in many other dimensions. As a result, the book doesn't come alive as much as it might. The examples conjure up memories of other books and arguments rather than cleanly bringing across the authors' trust-related points.3. The book's structure and style are pretty pedantic, but without the precision that an academic would bring to the subject. In most areas, the authors rely on your sense of what's right rather than giving you clear lines of what to do and what not to do. That's fine if you already have a well-defined sense of how trust is formed and re-established. But if you don't know the answers already because you haven't lived in that kind of an environment, the book will leave you with too little direction.4. Ultimately, long sections of the book are very general and boring. The major exceptions are the examples drawn from Mr. Covey's own family. I found those examples to be fresh and interesting.After you finish this book, I suggest that you think about those who have gained your trust and distrust. What did they do? Examining those personal examples will add a lot of depth to the general ideas presented here.

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